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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  January 28, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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the words she spoke was how much she was paid to speak them. she was paid $3 million to speak 190,000 words which nets out $15 and change for every word she spoke on fox news. astonishing when how few those words when strung together form complete sentences. why did fox news decide not to renew palin? did they decide to dial back the crazy? no, they replaced one crazy with a different form of crazy. >> now with government getting ever so powerful. people weaponnize themselves. more of our tax dollars is going to help make the government even more powerful. >> reporter: dennis coulddennis kucinich. what happened to you. i miss sarah palin. i'm done talking now. >> jennifer: it's so true, it's so true, dennis. all right someone is always in
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our war room. check us out online link up to our twitter page, and you have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: welcome to "the young turks." guess what kind of show we have for you guys? an awesome one. of course. well we've got a lot of interesting different topics for you guys, including the out of control gun violence in chicago. the woman we're about to show you has four different kids killed by gun violence in chicago alone. >> what did i do wrong? you know? i was there for them. i made sure that they had--we didn't have everything that we wanted but we had what we needed. >> cenk: and her last son died this weekend.
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it's tragic. we're going to talk to two different people about that, including an african-american republican running for jesse jackson's old seat:. israeli elections happened, surprising results. we'll bring you the israeli council general on here to talk about what that means for this country. >> the former tv news anchor who called attention to the high cost of living a social injustice. >> it's very clear, they were saying let's go to the center. >> cenk: all right we'll see if that means that we're going an iran or not. and obama versus fox news, tonight on "the young turks." it's go time. >> cenk: you know, one of the large issues in this campaign
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was immigration reform, right? well the republicans were against it. all of a sudden when results did not go in their direction they're reconsidering their position. we got a gang of eight four republicans, four democrats who have new immigration reform. look at that. we'll go to a report from "abc news" on that. >> it's a hot-button issue coming to the forefront again immigration reform. four democrats and four republicans have unveiled a plan to tackle it. >> we can't go on forever with 11 million people living in this country in the shadows in an illegal status. >> reporter: the plan by the so-called gang of eight senators layout and address issues. president obama heads to las vegas to unveil his own immigration reform plan. he promised the reform in his 2008 but failed to deliver it in his first term. >> cenk: the reason why he
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failed to deliver it, of course, the republicans opposed him. the republicans seem a little more open to reform now. let me show you why. 71% of latinos voted for president obama. only 27% voted for governor romney. all of a sudden the republicans are thinking, maybe the latinos are not so bad. interesting. i'm sure that they, of course, vote based on principle, though. let me show you what is in the proposal. four major goals providing a means for citizenship to immigrants who are already here. number two coming out with an employment verification system to make sure employers do not hire those people who are in the country illegally. number three letting in more low-skill workers and allowing employers to hire immigrants if they can show they couldn't recruit an u.s. citizen with the same skills. that's for corporate america. i'll explain that in a little bit. and number four, awarding green cards to immigrants who have obtained advanced degrees from
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american universitieses. the advanced degrees everyone understands. why make exception for low-skill workers? let's keep it real. the giant companies in the country say no, i need my cheap labor so you have to make an exception and we'll have those guys come in so everybody wins. okay, at least it's reform, and at least they're on the path. but you know what, it's not too late for some, but some are already affected by the disastrous consequences of not having reform so far. sergio garcia is a 35-year-old person who passed the bar and is ready to be a lawyer in california but he can't because the justice department said he's not allowed to. let me go to a clip from that explains the case a little bit more. >> sergio garcia is a mild-mannered approachable guy. he lives in durham, california, where people know him by name. his mother and father work as
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farm workers in the area. he passed the state bar. the last group of people who needed to sign off on his license stopped short saying they needed to review the case a bit move. garcia wanted to tell the truth on his application for a license. they asked the u.s. justice department if granting garcia a license would violate the immigration law. >> cenk: that's from let's bring in sergio garcia. thank you for joining us on "the young turks"." >> thank you so much for having me here. a pleasure to be here. >> cenk: no problem. first of all on the immigration reform appropriation, are you hopeful about it do you think it will lead to positive results. >> i'm a positive. i think it's wonderful that republicans and democrats are coming together, doing something that i i've known for many
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years. the immigration is broken and needs to be fix. >> cenk: let's take a guess at what that might have been. let's watch. >> what has changed i think is a new appreciation on both sides of the aisle including and maybe more importantly on the republican side that we have to enact a comprehensive immigration reform bill. >> cenk: let me give you one more video why the republicans might have had that if you epiphany. >> i'll give a little straight talk. look at the last election. look at the last election. we are losing dramatically the hispanic vote which we think should be hours for a variety of reasons, and we've got to understand that. >> cenk: sergio, as i look at that it seems so nakedly political. does that win over the latinos hey, sorry for not allowing you
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to achieve your dreams, not giving you a pathway to reform citizenship for all these years. but now that you kicked our ass in the last election, we changed our minds. come vote for us. >> i don't know if that wins over the latino community. i'm happy it's a bipartisan approach, and i'm hopeful that this year will be a year that we finally fix the immigration system not just for the latino community but for the country as a whole. >> cenk: let's talk about your case. first of all would this legislation effect you at all? >> certainly. if you know anything about my case i applied to change my status back in 1994. and i was approved to get my visa on january 15, 1995. if you do the path, 12 or 18 years at this point and i'm still waiting for my papers. they're still in the mail. so reform would certainly benefit from that and that would allow me to finally fulfill my american dream. one of becoming an attorney in
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california, a practicing attorney and secondarily be on the path of being an u.s. citizen. >> cenk: a lot of people who don't go through that don't know what you mean. what do you mean that your papers are in the mail since 1995. what have you applied for and when are you waiting for? >> my father is an u.s. citizen so he applied to change my constituting to from undocumented to legal resident. back in 1994 they said that's fine and in 1995 they approved that. they said as soon as a visa is available then i could have one. they said that would be three to five years. it's been over 18 years now and i'm still waiting. i think it just shows how broken our immigration system is. like i said, it would benefit the nation to fix it. >> cenk: that's truly interesting. a lot of people say, get in line. but you've been in line for 18 years. [ laughing ] now, on the other hand, sergio,
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the justice department says it's a 19 6 law that clearly states that you cannot practice law or get a professional license if you're an undocumented immigrant. aren't they right about that? >> well, to be quite honest in my opinion while we disagree with that, and 200 years of history in this country the federal government has never decide who had can practice law in any given state. as far as the not being able to work or not i mean, there is a provision punishment for having worked in this country unlawfully, that you can pay a fine at the time when they adjust your status. implicitly you're allowed to do it, and you pay taxes. i have paid my taxes ever since i was 18. i'm sure as you have, and everybody else. i'm not sure about that. we certainly disagree with that decision. >> cenk: all right, and i'm just curious. how did your family get here in the first place.
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>> to begin with my dad came here unlawfully, but through amnesty in 1986 he became a legal resident and ultimately a citizen. like i said through sacrifice and hard work he saved enough money to apply to adjust my status. i've been waiting. i feel like i have a lot to contribute to this great country and that's what i want to do. believe it or not i want to pay more taxes. i'm just waiting for that opportunity. >> cenk: well, the republicans should love that. okay. >> you would think they would. >> cenk: all right sergio garcia. thank you for joining us and we appreciate your different story on this issue. >> thank you for having me here, cenk. >> cenk: when we come back we'll talk about the violence in chicago. a mother loses her fourth child over the weekend to gun violence. comparing it to gun violence in other nations when you compare it to chicago itself it's unbelievable. we'll talk to two different people about that including an african-american republican. >> right now i'm totally lost.
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because ronnie--ronnie was my only very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. >>liberal and proud of it.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny.
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>> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. >> cenk: we're back on "the young turks." the violence in chicago seems to be out of control. over 500 people killed by guns in just last year alone. shirley chambers knows about it more than anybody else in the city. she has lost four different children to you gun violence in chicago. here's the report on that. >> reporter: a family portraiture minds shirley chambers of the unimaginable cost of gun violence. today the mother o of four grieves once again. >> right now i'm totally lost. ronnie--ronnie was my only surviving son. >> reporter: her son 34-year-old ronnie chambers, died early saturday morning
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after police say he was shot as he sat in a parked car in the 1100 block of south mozart in chicago's lawn dale neighborhood. another passenger was wounded. >> he was kind of changed. he had changed his life a lot. he was the type of kid who would do anything for you. >> cenk: that is such a tough story. ronnie chambers was as he mentioned, was trying to reform his life. he was on the "ricky lake show" of all places, and he was talking about that. let's take a look at that. >> you know, i have two brothers and little sister. you know what i'm saying, that right there me in and out of jail, that led me to know that i had something different. i told myself that i need to protect my mother and be out here for her. i told myself i had to do something else. i stayed away from that. it's about getting away from the negativeity around you you know what i'm saying?
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once i amass that debt i will do something different and that's what i did. >> cenk: unfortunately, that gun violence in chicago caught up with him any way over the weekend. let me give a quick list of shirley chambers kids. ronnie was killed over the weekend. tragic. and now i think one of the reasons is this amazing fact. not a lot of people solve these cases. only 25% of the fatal shootings are actually lead to somebody being charged and cleared. it's called a clearance rate. in non-fatal shootings it's 6%. we never catch the guy. if you never catch the guys, it gives a certain disincentive that is not healthy for the system. all right, let me bring in harold pollock the co-becketter of university of chicago crime lab and helen ross school of
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social service administration. profession pollock, thank you for joining us i appreciate it. a lot of conservatives would say this is not about guns because chicago has tough gun control laws. gun control laws obviously don't work proving our case that it's not about the guns. how would you respond? >> there are a number of problems with their argument. one, it's hard for a city to be an island of tough gun laws surrounded by other places where it's easier to get guns. if you compare us to new york city and other places our gun laws don't look all that tough although certainly we do have pretty tough laws and we could enforce them more effectively. it's clear that we have a serious gun problem on a per capita basis our police capture six times as many guns as the new york city police do, so we know we have a big gun problem. if you compare us to western
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european cities they're just as violent when you look at things that look at guns. you look at muggings and things like that, we're surprisingly close. >> cenk: that's interesting. you're saying there is as much crime in other cities, but since those crimes often times happen with guns in chicago, a lot more people wind up dead. >> absolutely. the basic formula for many of these deaths is two 18-year-olds and a gun in a quarrel equals a dead body. we may have injures we may have someone stabbed but we wouldn't end up with so many dead bodies. >> cenk: with six times as many as found in new york, what is lead to go that? >> well, i think there are a number of ways that people are getting around some of the laws here that i think we could do a better job of in disrupting these underground markets that
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are bringing guns in the city. i do think that conservatives do have a point that we could enforce our laws more effectively and our police superintendent has some pretty sensible ideas on how to do that better. right now there is too little penalty, too little deterrent for people who go and say fill up the trunk of their car with .9mm pistols and then drive into chicago and sell them. we got to stop that. it's a obviously a big part of our homicide problems. >> other than the prevalence of guns on the street, what is the indicator that we have the amount of homicide in chicago? >> we have to help young people deal more safely more effectively with each other and also with adults. we have a lot of young people in the city that are in pretty--in a pretty difficult situation and for understandable reasons. some of them are on a hair
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trigger. they're afraid of each other. there is a way in which the high crime rate feeds on itself. if you feel like everybody else is carrying a gun then it becomes more necessary in your mind for to you carry one. i think we could do a lot to help young people negotiate their relations with each other a lot more safely. we've done some randomized trials in schools that have shown we can help kids with that and reduce the rate of which they're arrested for violence offenses. i'm optimistic that we can bring this down but it is a challenge. >> thank you, professor, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> cenk: we have an african-american conservative commentator and running for office in illinois in the second yankees. that's jesse jackson jr.'s old district. thank you for coming on "the young turks"." >> thank you for having me as always. >> cenk: let's start with the topic that we're on gun
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violence in chicago. as a republican, what is your take away of why we're having the violence if it is not the guns. >> i think we don't talk enough about the education and economic opportunities that these young people do not have. many of these young people who are involved in these type of activities are locked in two three, four, and five generations of poverty. we're locked in without opportunities, often sometimes facing food desert. everything from finding good healthy food to eat, good jobs and educational opportunities and having a life, these things are locked away from these individuals and have been for decades now. i genuinely believe we can cut down on the gun violence in chicago and clang that paradigm. and then from there go after those who are illegally using guns. >> cenk: you know, lenny, i don't think anybody disagrees with you that addressing those issues is a good idea. i think it is. but you heard what profession
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pollock said there is as much crime in western european cities. they don't have the guns so less people die. in chicago here 500 people killed by guns. in japan on average less than 10 people killed by guns and japan is 125 million people in it. 10 people killed by guns on average. when you look at those numbers isn't it obviously at least partly the gun? >> we do have to tighten some of the regulations that are already in play. again f you go back to chicago and you look at the disparities of wealth. you have some of the wealthyiest individuals in the nation. the home of the president of the united states, operation push and oprah winfrey. at the same time you have african-americans who have been locked out of jobs, educational opportunities for decades. so although you do have some of these similarities between japan and let's say chicago and say look at the lack of gun violence overseas you have to look at some of the social issues as
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well where people are locked out of institutions that would allow them to get ahead. if you take that into play and then incorporate guns with individuals who have already learned by sixth and seventh grade that they're going to have a hard time getting ahead in life by the normal means add to that the proliferation of gangs throughout the chicagoland, you have the recipe for disaster that we've been seeing over the last several years. >> cenk: and a huge part that have recipe is when you sprinkle in all that weaponry. one last question for you lenny. you're doing this really interesting run in chicago. look jesse jackson's seat was one of the safest democratic seats in the country. so how are you as a republican planning to win that seat? >> we're planning to run with the people as one big team. people are ready to lead this country together. they're ready for bipartisanship. they're ready to see congress move away from gridlock, and they understand that our candidacy is the one candidacy
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that has the relationships on the left and the right to move forward as one big team to start getting results and help president obama be the greatest are president that he can be whether that's through contrast or cooperation issue by issue. >> cenk: all right, it's going to be a fascinating run. lenny mcalastair bold action. we appreciate you joining us on "the young turks" as usual. >> thanks for having me. god bless. >> cenk: all right. when we come back, israel had elections. we had interesting results. we'll have in los angeles for israel an interesting conversation from the guy who surprised everyone in the election. >> the cost of living is going up and up, and there is no equality with other parts of israel and (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me.
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the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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>> cenk: we're back on "the young turks." we recently had elections in israel, and ben netanyahu was expected to coast to a relatively easy victory. that is not how it turned out. here's what happened ned. >> a sitting prime minister with a second chance acknowledging that voters want to see change. his coalition had more than 40 seats combined before the vote. after the vote, 30-something. israelis showed their desire for change in a way that surprised the pollsters and pundits. they gave the second highest number of votes to a new party just formed last year. >> cenk: netanyahu's party is down to 31 seats because partly the new party that cnn was mentioning has picked up 19 seats. they were just in existence starting last year.
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that is amazing. well who is their leader? yair lapid. >> we are the period of israeli middle class the old fashioned tax payers who served in the army and afterwards worked hard all their life, paying high tax and see that they cannot afford an apartment for their children, the cost of living is going up, there is nothey're becoming more frustrated with the way things are going on here. >> cenk: person here to talk about that is david seagull representing the southwestern united states. thank you for joining us, david. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> cenk: let's talk about the results of the election and the ramifications it will have. was it more in your opinion about domestic politics or more about foreign politics? >> it was.
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it was more about domestic politics in israel, the cost of living, cost of housing political reform. yair lapid representative of the middle class is the rising player in these elections and this is what he campaigned on. >> cenk: will it have ramifications for israel's foreign policies especially with iran. >> the whole region is in turmoil, as we know. so the challenges to israel and to the entire mildews is front and center and will be on the agenda. these elections were in a strange way about coalition of
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israel. >> cenk: help me make sense of them. israel must at least get rid of the palestinians and put a frequence between us. how do you read that. >> i can't vouch for the quote but there is a desire and consensus to create a two-state solution, two states for two peoples. that consensus has been enduring for several years now and any israeli government will reflect that in the call political politically and officially is to reenter negotiations discussing and reinstating two-states. >> cenk: quote, it may be true that the humane thing is to remove the roadblocks and checkpoints, to stop the occupation immediately to, enable the palestinians freedom of movement of the territories and to tear down the bloody inhumane wall, to promise human rights to every individual. it's just that i will end up paying for this with my life.
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call me a weakling, call me thick headed. i don't want to die. what do you make of that quote. >> there is an issue of travel restrictions because of the terror we've had in the past. but in recent years many of those roadblocks, hundreds of them have been removed and palestinians today on the west bank enjoy much freer travel than ever before. that'sthat's a product on the ground of palestine security forces and israeli security forces. we're enjoying a quieter period, but for that to rea main we need to inject negotiations and political talks in this process. >> cenk: what did he mean if we do this, i will die. does he mean if i do a peace deal like this i will get assassinated. or does he mean if i do a peace deal like this, the palestinians
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will kill us. >> i don't know what he meant but we did suffer trauma and israel emerged from that trauma. we still have extremists. we need to work for peace without grandstanding and work especially when every region around us is in an earthquake. we need to sit down, but we need good will. >> cenk: do you think the right-wing government of perimeter netanyahu has good will after cutting off what would be the palestinian state. it doesn't seem that the settlements are an act of good will. >> we've talked about this before. the settlement is a source of contention. it is not the only issue. we believe that the palestinians need to come to the table as well without these
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pre-conditions discuss the settlements, discuss the territorial issues. discuss the recognition. you don't find a palestinian leader who is still willing to say that he recognizes two states for two people to, end the conflict, end the claims. all of these issues. >> cenk: you know in reality we've gotten past that. we know abbas would say that in an negotiation, no problem. abbas has made it be known that they would be in favor of two states. but the problems is we don't have two states, honestly, because israel is occupying palestine. so now--let me--i know it's a tough question, but let me pose it to you. the one i'm about to ask. you know, look, when you have an occupation for a limited period of time. it's for security but we'll work out a deal. i understand. but when you have a occupation that a lasts over 60 years does that become a moral failing of the state that is doing the occupying. >> why 60 years. it was created 64 years ago in
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1968. it's been 40 years. it has been a long time, but again it takes two to tango. we've had two israel prime ministers since the year 2040 that put far-reaching proposals on the table first with clinton and then president bush. these proposals were not engaged and rejected. first by arafat, and then abbas. we hope again we will reach a formula that both sides will work on in good faith. can we resolve all of our differences? maybe not. can we move forward in a way that will benefit the palestinian people on the ground the israeli people, several we can. >> cenk: do you worry that the occupation has a corrupting influence on the population. if it was happening in the united states after 40 years and you're right to point that out. after 40 years we would become the occupiers in a mindset and become comfortable with that.
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are you worried about that? >> i think democracies always have to be worried about whatever state whatever their democracy. we have a movie that is an oscar contender called "the gatekeepers." it relates to these issues, the dilemmas of war and peace and the situation we're in. we've moved out of gaza unilaterally without agreement. hamas took over, iran took over and that became a launching ground of rocket noose israel. no one wants to see it become like that. we need to work together. it's difficult, it's away from the grandstanding and away from the slogans. we need to do the hard work on all the issues that stand between us. we believe this can be done. i have to tell you one more thing about that. the israeli public, despite 40 years of this, despite 15 years of rockets and suicide-bombings still believes in peace. it shows in every survey. we can get there. and on the palestinian side you
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have a majority that supports a two-state solution, we can work towards that but we need strong leadership to do that. >> hamas firing missiles, wrong immoral, and set us on a wrong course. on the other hand you and i have had a discussion of the palestinians taking the diplomat diplomatic route i know you think that hurts the peace process. i want you to stay with us so we can have a discussion been iran and immigrants in israel when we come back. [ yelling ] >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv.
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>> cenk: we're back here on "the young turks." david seigal has joined us. i want to move on other topics that relate to israel. defense membershipster had interesting comments to make about iran and what might happen there. let take a look at it. >> what we basically say is that worst come to worst there should an readiness and the ability to launch a surgical operation that we delay them by significant time frame and probably convince them that it won't work because the world is determined to block them. >> cenk: david a lot of people interpreted that as him saying america is on board if we need to act err going to. i'm totally against the war in iran. that scares me. it seems to me that he's indicating that we're ready to
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go. >> well, you know, no country has a higher stake and a diplomatic solution than israel. we are our skin in the game and we'll be impacted in a significant way if there is war. for 15 years we've indicated a clear path. pressure economic pressure, pressure to stop iran in the program. they've taken a huge bite out of the iranian economy but their nuclear program is accelerating. by spring our prime minister said come spring, come summer by the united nations they will have enough rich uranium for a bomb. they'll take it, go under ground-- >> this spring. >> this spring. >> cenk: discuss israel have an agreement to act by spring. >> we are close in communication with the administration to figure out when it will be too late to stop iran. we believe crippling sanctions
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together with the military threat that sends to iran a simple thing. you will not have that bomb no matter what you do. right now they think that they're paying a high price but that they will have the bomb. but the threat of military action if they don't stop hopefully that will be enough to make them stop. we don't want a military solution. >> cenk: there are some reports that there was an explosion at their top nuclear site in iran. can you confirm whether israel was involved with that? >> i can't come firm the press reports but i can tell you that the more time passes the more uranium they enrich, the deeper they do it underground. this is one of the reasons why time is running out. >> cenk: one more quote i want to run by. >> thequite sophisticated. >> do you really believe these sow called scapels will work.
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strategic strikes in iran, you will not have a broader war? >> well again, this is all speculative in terms of the military action which we don't want to see. what we do want to see is iran stopping the program before it's too late. and again the timelines are very very close. if all those options which are on the table and they include a military option, if there is no other way to stop iran we do believe that iran has to be stopped in whatever means necessary. if that includes surgical attacks so be it. but we don't want to get to that point. we hope very much to convince iran to stop the nuclear program before it's too late. >> cenk: david he indicated that israel would not be acting alone. if there is going to be a military action by spring, can you confirm that it will be israel and the united states doing it? >> i can't speak on behalf of the united states. but i can tell you again that saying all options are on the table has to be a serious
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proposition that iran has to believe in. it's not enough that we say it. it's important that iran's leadership understand that they there is no future to their nuclear program. that's the only way to get them to stop. if they believe it's a significant military option on the table there is a good chance that they will stop. this is where we are. >> cenk: i want to ask you about the state of some sudanese in israel. there has been protests, ugly scenes. i want to show you one piece of video that we have from israel. [ yelling ] >> cenk: now david, if that was the only thing you could say that's out of context and that's
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some israelis yelling at people from sudan. but this poll shook me. it's a may 2012 poll that says 52% of jewish israelis greed asylum seekers were, quote, a cancer in the nation's body. that's tough. what is going on with the immigrants from sudan? are you also made uncomfortable by these especially the poll results here? >> i'm familiar with that polishing and i don't know what that poll is. >> it's israel democracy institute at peace index. >> there have been some heated political rhetoric around this issue. it's a painful issue. israel is the only democracy that has a land bridge with africa. the differential between israel and africa is astronomical. many seek ref few refuge in israel. right now, we have become overwhelmed with this. we're a small society. you're seeing scenes from some of our big cities like tel aviv
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that have been completely overwhelmed. they simply cannot cope with these numbers. we have to find a solution for this problem. some of them will be settled in israel. some will be resettled back in third countries. we're working with the united nations on this, but it is a very painful and complex issue that israel is working on. we have ngos that are very active on the welfare of the migrants but unfortunately there is political rhetoric. there is a heated exchange as you've seen, and what we would like to do is find a way to regulate the border crossing from egypt into israel where the migrants come from. by the way they're abused along the way. it's a very sad huge tragedy. >> cenk: they have not had a welcome reception in any of those countries. i understand that. one last thing when it comes to ethiopian immigrants, they're actually jewish, and now we have the health minister confirming that the ethiopian women were
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given birth control so they could not get pregnant. and it was forced upon them. wow. that's devastating. what do you think happened there? is there a plan to address that? >> well, the ethiopian immigration has been a successful immigration where israel is one of the only nations in the world to bring in an african population in an organized way. and today it's a proud community in israel, well integrated but with many challenges. they came from a very different place into a very developed economy. but by and large this has been a tremendously successful immigration in israel. there are more jewish ethiopians in ethiopia, but many are in israel and it's something that we're very proud of. >> cenk: the forced sterilization, stunning numbers 50% decline in ethiopian
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pregnancies in israel. it brings up if there is a racial component here. is the government aware of the severity of that problem and are they going to do anything about it? >> i have seen those reports. declining birth rates are part of a modern economy today. it has nothing to do with that report. but that report is concerning and it is being investigated. >> cenk: david siegal. here in los angeles, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> cenk: when we come back, president obama takes on fox news and rush limbaugh. we'll talk about that when we return. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: all right, we're back here on "the young turks." ana and jayar join me with this
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segment. we'll talk about president obama and fox news and rush. drums as anna would say. he gave an before, president obama, did. he said one of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. if a republican member of congress is not punished on fox news or by rush limbaugh for working with the democrat on a bill of common interest, then you'll see more of them doing it. basically indicating, guys, fox news and rush limbaugh run the run the run party. jayar, you cut cliches from them every single day. is it true? >> that's the situation. we know president obama is rallying the troops. we don't want a replay of the glenn beck thing. they're worried about it, and you can see some truth in it. say what you're going to say but follow through. that's all i ask. >> cenk: the rest of the interview, we're willing to throw democrats under the bus. the democrats won't do it, but
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we will. >> this is so foreshadowing and it shows you nothing is going to get done. the whole comment about conservative media tells that you he's not going to be a fighter. you got to stop being weak. stop being afraid of rush limbaugh. >> cenk: on that comment he's saying look, these guys are stopping the republicans from making a deal. but at the same time i think he's getting played. he says in an interview oh, boehner can't do the deal because of the caucus. no they're playing you good cop-bad cop. >> that's what i'm saying. also the media is a cover up of what the real problem is. the real reason why politicians don't make real change, that's the corporate money. in reality it's all about the money. >> cenk: binebingo. the corporate money goes to the media and the politicians. that's who is calling the shots both at fox news and the republican party. that's why they work in unison. let me end on a fun topic.
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scott brown. scott brown might run for senate. he's leading in the polls. and if they have that contest in markos moulitsas, senator kerry went over to the state department. so he's tweeting about this over the weekend and he's saying about his possible run. like he's getting ready to make an announcement. he then people give him grief, as they usually d on twtwtete then i says, whatever, michael whatever, bud. then the third one. whatever. i think there was a song about this. then people think he's drunk tweeting because by the end he says you're brilliant matt. whatever. what is that? a, first of all, drunk tweeting, yes or no. >> probably, and you know what, i kind of like.
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i wish i could vote for him based on this alone. >> cenk: you don't want to. >> i know, i know. >> cenk: he gave away $19 billion from the banks. >> you like realness from these guys. if no one ripped him off yet then there is realness to it. >> cenk: no, he deleted it in a panic. >> he did delete them but at least he didn't say he got hacked. that's usually the go-to move. i like it. we all have our moments. as public riverspublic figures i get like that after a few drinks. >> cenk: we'll talk more about that when we come bacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacac >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital.
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